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The Church as a School of Morality: What does it mean to live as a community of believers, pushing against the cultural trend of individualism? Chase will consider this as he speaks on ‘The Church as a School of Morality’, exploring how God has given us the church to help make moral choices; discern wise and Godly ways in the power of the Spirit; and, as the Gospel of John encourages us, grow our love for one another.

Trinity Theological College Annual Lecture - 18 September 2023.

Guest Speaker: Rev Dr Chase Kuhn, Lecturer in Christian Doctrine and Ethics at Moore Theological College and Director for Centre of Christian Living.

Topic: 'The Church as a School of Morality'

September 18th, 2023 from  7:30 PM to  9:30 PM
Subi Church
Bagot Road
Subiaco, WA 6008
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